STL RESULT July 3 2018

These are the latest STL Results for July 3, 2018, Tuesday, from PCSO for the STL Pares, Swer3 and 2-digit draws today:

Pares STL Result 7/3/2018

11 AM: 22-32
04 PM: 17-13
09 PM: 38-25

See the prizes and mechanics on our STL Pares Result.

Swer3 STL Result 7/3/2018

Morning: 6-0-0
Afternoon: 0-1-6
Evening: 3-6-0

Learn how to play this game and the prizes that you will earn here: STL Swer3 Result.

2D STL Result 7/3/2018

11am: 9-5
4pm: 9-9
9pm: 9-3

Go here to see more information about STL Swer2 Result.

PCSO STL Results July 3 2018 Summary:

STL DrawResultsPrizes

Note: These PCSO STL results for July 3, 2018 shall be updated after each 11am, 4pm and 9pm draw.