Swertres Result History

The following is the complete PCSO Swertres Result history and compilation for the past 30 days including the Swertres result today.:

Swertres Result History May 2024

3D Swertres Draw Date2 PM5 PM9 PM
May 31, 20241-3-72-5-46-6-6
May 30, 20244-7-59-7-84-2-4
May 29, 20249-0-82-1-17-9-3
May 28, 20249-7-39-4-45-9-5
May 27, 20243-7-99-6-83-5-5
May 26, 20244-1-99-9-97-3-5
May 25, 20243-3-05-2-41-2-7
May 24, 20244-0-42-1-41-6-4
May 23, 20242-6-54-2-12-0-9
May 22, 20249-0-12-0-07-1-1
May 21, 20246-4-96-3-88-1-9
May 20, 20242-9-13-0-24-2-1
May 19, 20246-6-60-8-33-2-7
May 18, 20245-1-50-3-90-5-2
May 17, 20241-3-03-1-95-6-4
May 16, 20241-5-91-9-49-6-3
May 15, 20241-4-74-7-01-1-1
May 14, 20249-8-79-8-81-9-2
May 13, 20243-5-40-3-66-4-5
May 12, 20248-9-56-8-50-3-7
May 11, 20241-6-97-9-77-2-9
May 10, 20242-8-97-7-30-8-3
May 9, 20242-3-70-8-67-4-1
May 8, 20243-2-02-2-98-7-3
May 7, 20248-4-60-3-44-2-5
May 6, 20241-5-63-6-00-1-3
May 5, 20249-6-72-1-60-5-4
May 3, 20246-9-01-5-26-1-7
May 3, 20240-2-13-3-16-0-6
May 2, 20246-0-16-6-04-8-2
May 1, 20249-8-42-6-50-7-5

Swertres Result History April 2024

Draw Date2 PM5 PM9 PM
April 30, 20244-1-87-6-43-2-3
April 29, 20248-5-47-5-47-1-1
April 28, 20244-6-32-3-68-5-7
April 27, 20242-3-66-3-86-0-7
April 26, 20243-2-02-3-69-3-9
April 25, 20240-6-82-8-18-5-1
April 24, 20249-8-39-3-27-4-9
April 23, 20244-0-42-0-88-4-4
April 22, 20246-3-30-8-52-2-4
April 21, 20241-2-28-7-36-1-6
April 20, 20245-9-71-4-20-2-7
April 19, 20248-8-27-4-11-1-5
April 18, 20245-9-87-7-75-2-8
April 17, 20240-8-25-7-42-5-0
April 16, 20243-8-11-2-74-4-0
April 15, 20243-2-49-3-74-0-3
April 14, 20244-1-26-6-09-4-0
April 13, 20246-3-38-6-54-8-1
April 12, 20246-9-09-4-87-5-6
April 11, 20246-5-90-1-64-2-1
April 10, 20246-9-96-0-75-9-2
April 9, 20248-0-65-0-22-9-6
April 8, 20245-5-81-7-37-5-6
April 7, 20247-2-40-4-51-4-3
April 6, 20244-9-64-8-03-4-1
April 5, 20240-9-89-3-16-0-4
April 4, 20243-8-65-5-81-8-0
April 3, 2024-8-64-8-54-5-4
April 2, 20243-4-32-1-34-2-5
April 1, 20248-0-35-5-51-3-8

Swertres Result History March 2024

Draw Date2 PM5 PM9 PM
March 27, 20243-0-75-8-63-0-2
March 26, 20246-0-21-5-75-0-5
March 25, 20248-4-71-2-68-7-2
March 24, 20245-2-60-9-27-4-0
March 23, 20244-5-10-1-36-8-1
March 22, 20244-3-83-0-87-9-6
March 21, 20243-8-59-1-90-5-7
March 20, 20246-9-88-0-74-2-7
March 19, 20246-8-50-5-12-7-1
March 18, 20243-9-74-1-13-7-9
March 17, 20243-3-20-4-40-4-2
March 16, 20245-9-89-1-54-3-9
March 15, 20241-1-64-9-22-9-5
March 14, 20247-3-40-6-44-2-2
March 13, 20242-5-14-9-69-0-9
March 12, 20246-6-64-3-82-8-9
March 11, 20241-2-69-6-38-8-2
March 17, 20248-8-84-6-72-2-1
March 9, 20249-1-41-2-85-6-4
March 8, 20240-9-27-7-60-0-3
March 7, 20244-8-97-3-73-6-5
March 6, 20248-3-28-2-14-1-1
March 5, 20249-0-28-6-66-7-1
March 4, 20248-3-48-3-94-0-5
March 3, 20240-8-25-9-39-6-8
March 2, 20242-3-32-1-45-8-8
March 1, 20242-8-34-4-58-7-0

See Also

Swertres Result History 2022
Swertres Result History 2021

Please note that the Swertres result history above is limited to draws conducted by PCSO for the past 30 days.

Results are arranged chronologically with the latest draw results displayed at the top of the list.

Each row contains the swertres results for 11am, 4pm and 9pm draws conducted on the specified date. Results are posted within ten to fifteen minutes after the draw results are made available by PCSO.

Help your friends discover this Swertres Result compilation/history by sharing or liking this page using the social buttons above.

If you are looking for the Swertres Lotto Prizes, please refer to the list below.

Note that the prizes are subject to change without prior notice. Please visit the PCSO Payout chart from time to time for updated Swertres lotto Prizes.

  • Standard Play: P4,500.00 for 3 correct numbers in exact order.
  • Rambolito Play: P1,500.00 for one pair of the same digit and one different digit. P750 for three different digits (‘Rambolito’ play)

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